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The History of Slavs Inferred from Complete Mitochondrial Genome Sequences.

Буревiй: http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0054360 Маркеры мтДНК, с которыми авторы связывают славян: In Slavic populations, H5 is observed at frequencies from 3.2% in Ukraine to 2.5% in Poland, Russia, Czech Republic and Slovakia. ...only haplogroup HV0* (as non-V sequences defined by 16298-72 diagnostic mutations in the mtDNA control region) was revealed more frequently in Ukrainians (P = 0.002; Fisher’s exact test) and haplogroup H6 was more frequent (P<0.02) both in Ukrainians (8.7%) and Czechs (2.5%) than in Poles (0.2%). Comparison with previously published data on Slovak mtDNA variation indicates that eastern Slovaks are also characterized by higher frequency of H6 (4.4%) Population screening has shown that this H6c-branch has been rarely revealed among Slovaks (0.5% [32]), Slovenians (0.8% [31]), Bulgarians (0.1% [55]), Ukrainians (1.3%, present study) and Lithuanians (0.6%) Говорилось чего-то также о маркерах U4a2, U5a2a and U5a2b1, но частоты их вроде не приведены.

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